
Longhouse Goes Global

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COVID has forever changed the way we think about borders and connection, and that's had a huge impact on the performing arts. In CAAP's next Longhouse, we explore the reality for artists in Australia and China who want to connect and collaborate.

In this current climate, where cross-cultural interaction matters more than ever, what opportunities are available for building capacity, sharing knowledge, artistic exchange and collaboration? What are the challenges, best practices, and success stories?

Join Longhouse Co-ordinator Jennifer Wong in this timely and insightful online conversation with (L-R):

  • Bergen-based performance curator Wang Jingyi
  • Naarm (Melbourne)-based multidisciplinary artist Roshelle Fong
  • Beijing-based theatre director Wang Chong.

Monday 7 June 6pm-7.30pm (AEST)

This event has now finished.


The Longhouse is CAAP’s networking and information-sharing platform. This edition of Longhouse Goes Global has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body and the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

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Jingyi WANG is a performance creator based in Bergen, Norway. Born in Beijing, China, she has a multi-background in performing arts, journalism and advertising. Her works are concept-driven, socio-political and interdisciplinary.

Chong WANG is the founder and artistic director of Beijing-based performance group Theatre du Reve Experimental and works extensively internationally. In Australia he presented Ibsen in One Take at OzAsia Festival in 2013, directed Little Emperors at Malthouse Theatre in Melbourne and presented the performance lecture Made in China 2.0 at Asia TOPA in 2020.

Roshelle FONG is a Hong Kong Australian multidisciplinary artist based in Sydney. Her immersive show nomnomnom won a Melbourne Fringe Award and toured to Iceland, Shanghai and Sydney. Her 2021 interactive theatre show Poona co-written with Keziah Warner will premiere at the Next Wave Festival.

Jennifer Wong is a writer, comedian, producer, and presenter of Chopsticks or Fork? a series about Chinese restaurants in regional Australia, currently on ABC iview.